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Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations 103 records found 1 - 25nextSearch took 0.40 seconds. 

This dissertation examines early Islamic understandings of godfearingness (taqwā), and how these understandings shape efforts to renew religious discourse in p [...]

2024-08 | Anthropology; Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
This article presents one issue of the Swiss literary journal Hortulus as a case study on forms of exchange, translation, and traffic between German and Hebrew in the wak [...]
06 June 2024 | Comparative Literature; Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
The Fayum, a naturally formed depression, is encircled by the Sahara Desert except for in the east, where a carrier canal from the Nile River (Bahr el-Yusuf) once fed its [...]
2024-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
This dissertation examines disputes over non-Muslim communal spaces in greaterIstanbul in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. In Chapter 1, a historical b [...]
2024-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
The largest pyramid field in Egypt is clustered along a narrow desert strip, yet no convincing explanation as to why these pyramids are concentrated in this specific loca [...]
16 May 2024 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
The Arab conquest of Syria-Palestine in the seventh century CE transformed the coast of Bilād al-Shām (Greater Syria) into a maritime frontier, impacting patterns of tr [...]
2024-03 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
The article investigates the fifteenth-century Ming diplomat Chen Cheng’s travel accounts by situating them against the backdrop of Islamic and Mongol history. The firs [...]
03 November 2023 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
Following a brief introduction, this article has two parts and an appendix. In the first part, I examine the passage prohibiting intoxicating ṭilāʾ (cooked grape juic [...]
16 June 2023 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
This article discusses the literary representation of religious leadership in the Siyar al-bīʿa al-muqaddasa, also known as “History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria [...]
03 November 2023 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
This paper analyzes the plans and layouts of Chinese ceramic workshops from the Tang to Ming periods (seventh to seventeenth century AD) to understand how ceramic product [...]
31 January 2024 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
This paper argues, in contrast to some previous scholarship, that debt bondage was not practiced in Egypt’s Late Period (c. 8th–5th centuries BC). The phenomena of se [...]
27 November 2023 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
The goal of this study, broadly speaking, is to better understand how Middle Kingdom (ca. 2055–1650 BCE) kingship worked from a non-royal perspective. Egyptological sch [...]
2023-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
From the protests of 1968 to the everyday expression of queer desire, love has the potential to be radical. While this radical dimension may be cross-cultural, most theor [...]
2023-08 | Divinity; Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
This dissertation examines how Rome and China simultaneously developed their ethnographic knowledge of the world beyond their borders, spanning from the Mediterranean to [...]
2023-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
This dissertation delves into the diplomatic interactions of New Kingdom Egypt with other Near Eastern countries and provides a fresh perspective by examining these inter [...]
2023-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
Qurʾān 5:90 is understood as prohibiting khamr (wine made from grapes). However, according to Ḥadīth traditions the Prophet permitted his followers the consumption o [...]
2023-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
This thesis examines the inventory of morphemes Sumerian utilizes to denote modal notions on the verb. Sumerian is an agglutinative linguistic isolate that was spoken in [...]
2023-08 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |

The density of epidermal ridges in a fingerprint varies predictably by age and sex. Archaeologists are therefore interested in using recovered fingerprints to learn ab [...]

26 July 2023 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
Two markers of regional exchange in the Eastern Mediterranean during the first millennium BCE are the White Painted and Bichrome Wares from Cyprus’s Cypro-Geometric and [...]
30 November 2016 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
In this essay, I use the numerous extensive quotations from Mālik found in al-Shāfiʿī’s Kitāb al-Umm to reconstruct what might be called al-Shāfiʿī’s recensio [...]
16 July 2021 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
The 177-verse Arabic Poem of the Intellect (Qaṣīdat al-ʿAql) composed by the Indian Fatimid-Ṭayyibī Dāʿī al-Muṭlaq Sayyidna Taher Saifuddin (d. 1385/1965) bre [...]
23 May 2023 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
This dissertation discusses the life and works of the poet, Ṣūfī, and occultist, Ḥamza b. ʿAlī Malik Āẕarī-yi Isfarāyinī (784-866/1382-1461 or 1462). Āẕ [...]
2023-06 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Dissertation |
Studies of ancient Mesopotamian cities have long focused on their institutions. Here, instead, the authors draw on recent investigations at the third-millennium BC site o [...]
31 March 2023 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
Architectural reuse was common in ancient Egypt. Modern interpretations of this practice, particularly in royal contexts, usually ascribe it either a practical or ideolog [...]
17 January 2023 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |
This article studies the ways in which Arab intellectuals in Egypt and the Levant wrote about modern anti-Semitism during the four decades preceding the demise of the Ott [...]
2021-01 | Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations | Article |

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