Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination is a well-established and successful tool for preventing HPV-related cancers. However, vaccine uptake remains low, influenced by patient hesitancy around safety concerns and little opportunity to discuss the vaccine with trusted healthcare providers. We conducted a national, cross-sectional study of allopathic and osteopathic medical students regarding knowledge of HPV vaccination guidelines March-April 2021. Analysis sought to identify gaps in knowledge as well as demographic and academic correlates of knowledge. A total of 718 students participated (response rate = 50.8%). While 92.8% of participants identified the connection between HPV and cervical cancer, lower percentages associated HPV with vaginal/vulvar (67.7%), anal (63.3%), and penile (53.9%) cancers. Low percentages of participants correctly identified age of HPV vaccine eligibility (33.3%) and how many doses are needed for full protection (48.1%). This study identifies specific knowledge gaps in medical students’ training on HPV-related cancers and HPV vaccination guidelines. Through addressing these gaps, we may improve HPV vaccine uptake and decrease the incidence of HPV-related cancers.