

How do cells coordinate the diverse elements that regulate their cholesterol homeostasis? Our model postulates that membrane cholesterol forms simple complexes with bilayer phospholipids. The phospholipids in the plasma membrane are of high affinity; consequently, they are fully complexed with the sterol. This sets the resting level of plasma membrane cholesterol. Cholesterol in excess of the stoichiometric equivalence point of these complexes has high chemical activity; we refer to it as active cholesterol. It equilibrates with the low affinity phospholipids in the intracellular membranes where it serves as a negative feedback signal to a manifold of regulatory proteins that rein in ongoing cholesterol accretion. We tested the model with a review of the literature regarding fourteen homeostatic proteins in enterocytes. It provided strong albeit indirect support for the following hypothesis. Active cholesterol inhibits cholesterol uptake and biosynthesis by suppressing both the expression and the activity of the gene products activated by SREBP-2; namely, HMGCR, LDLR and NPC1L1. It also reduces free cell cholesterol by serving as the substrate for its esterification by ACAT and for the synthesis of side-chain oxysterols, 27-hydroxycholesterol in particular. The oxysterols drive cholesterol depletion by promoting the destruction of HMGCR and stimulating sterol esterification as well as the activation of LXR. The latter fosters the expression of multiple homeostatic proteins, including four transporters for which active cholesterol is the likely substrate. By nulling active cholesterol, the manifold maintains the cellular sterol at its physiologic set point.




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