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Sociology 193 records found 1 - 25nextSearch took 0.26 seconds. 
Hospice and Palliative Medicine is a relatively new medical specialty that treats patients who are suffering from uncontrolled symptoms or for whom the goals of medical c [...]
2024-06 | Sociology | Dissertation |
Gender scholars have documented the significant inroads feminist understandings of gender have made into popular parenting advice books, and identified new strategies of [...]
2024-06 | Sociology | Dissertation |

There has always been a close relation between thermodynamic theory and sociological theory, although they repeatedly part company and later rejoin. I discuss some of [...]

14 August 2023 | Sociology | Article |
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted a debate about whether marginalized communities suffered the disproportionate brunt of the pandemic’s mortality. Empirical studies [...]
06 February 2024 | Ecology and Evolution; Sociology | Article |
Family members often cite broader societal discourses and norms when forcing Chinese queer people to engage in heterosexual marriage (referred to as HMQ; heterosexual mar [...]
29 February 2024 | Sociology | Article |
This study examines the temporal changes in income segregation within the ambient population around the clock using mobile phone big data. It employs ordinal entropy, a m [...]
29 February 2024 | Sociology | Article |
Urban theory models cities as spatial equilibria to derive their aggregate properties as functions of extensive variables, such as population size. However, this assumpti [...]
19 August 2020 | Ecology and Evolution; Sociology | Article |
Understanding and predicting the emergence and evolution of cultural tastes manifested in consumption patterns is of central interest to social scientists, analysts of cu [...]
01 February 2024 | Sociology | Article |
Discussions of the detection of artificial sentience tend to assume that our goal is to determine when, in a process of increasing complexity, a machine system “becomes [...]
2023-12 | Sociology | Article |
In 2018, Jair Bolsonaro was elected president of Brazil with the decisive support of Pentecostal denominations, such as Igreja Universal. Bolsonaro became known in the in [...]
2021-05 | Sociology | Thesis |
Activity space research explores the behavioral impact of the spaces people move through in daily life. This research has focused on urban settings, devoting little atten [...]
30 January 2024 | Sociology | Article |

Most studies on global health inequality consider unequal health care and socio-economic conditions but neglect inequality in the production of health knowledge releva [...]

01 April 2014 | Sociology | Article |

Background: Thirty-four countries worldwide have abnormally high sex ratios (>102 men per 100 women), resulting in over 100 million missing women. Widespread sex se [...]

13 August 2013 | Sociology | Article |
Living in cities affords expanded access to various resources, infrastructures, and services at reduced travel costs, which improves social life and promotes systemic gai [...]
09 January 2024 | Ecology and Evolution; Sociology | Article |
How does meaning vary across the world’s languages? Scholars recognize the existence of substantial variability within specific domains, ranging from nature and color t [...]
11 December 2023 | Sociology | Article |

Synonymous relationships among biomedical terms are extensively annotated within specialized terminologies, implying that synonymy is important for practical computati [...]

25 September 2014 | Genetics, Genomics, and Systems Biology; Sociology | Article |
Modern colonialism from the eighteenth century onward encompassed most of the world’s surface. Today, the world is different. In theory at least, nation-states rather t [...]
14 December 2023 | Sociology | Article |

Computational models in biomedicine rely on biological and clinical assumptions. The selection of these assumptions contributes substantially to modeling success or fa [...]

06 October 2011 | Human Genetics; Medicine; Pediatrics; Sociology | Article |

A scientific ontology is a formal representation of knowledge within a domain, typically including central concepts, their properties, and relations. With the rise of [...]

13 January 2011 | Human Genetics; Medicine; Sociology | Article |
Despite the prevalence of smoking cessation programs and public health campaigns, individuals with long-term illness, disability, or infirmity have been found to smoke mo [...]
09 January 2023 | Sociology | Article |
LGBT elders will be a subset of the aging population in the United States with unique needs as they age. During their lifetimes, LGBT elders have experienced social, poli [...]
2023-12 | Sociology | Dissertation |
This dissertation introduces the `Institutional Life Course Framework,' a novel theoretical lens, to explore health inequalities. Through three empirical chapters, this [...]
2023-12 | Sociology | Dissertation |
In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), rapid educational expansion at the primary and secondary levels has garnered much international attention. Policy-makers and scholars often p [...]
2023-12 | Sociology | Dissertation |

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