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Philosophy 65 records found 1 - 25nextSearch took 0.28 seconds. 
Less-than-certain conditional judgments pose notorious problems for strict analyses of conditionals: across their various incarnations, these analyses have trouble making [...]
29 July 2024 | Philosophy | Article |
In the "Phaedo," Plato's Socrates seems to be saying that the forms are causally responsible for their instances, and he seems to be saying similar things in th [...]
2024-08 | Philosophy | Dissertation |
Practical rationality is, inter alia, a disposition to reason well about one’s actions. This dissertation develops a neo-Aristotelian account of practical ration [...]
2024-08 | Philosophy | Dissertation |
This dissertation develops and illustrates a theory of what I call transfigurative imagination. From both a conviction that the best philosophical thinking proceeds from [...]
2024-08 | Philosophy | Dissertation |
Form and Therapy provides a new account of the practical purpose and corresponding limits of Kant’s moral philosophy. I argue that the practical purpose of Kant’s Cat [...]
2024-08 | Philosophy | Dissertation |
This paper investigates the moral emotion of being socially, but non-agentially connected to a harm. I propose understanding the emotion of an affiliated onlooker as a sp [...]
14 March 2024 | Philosophy | Article |
The main claim of this project is that in his tri-partite psychology, Plato theorizes spirit (thumos) as the defense of one’s own (to oikeion). More specifically, my [...]
2024-03 | Philosophy | Dissertation |
This article explains a new ‘foreignizing’ approach to translation that was invented in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, especially by Herder and Schleiermache [...]
14 November 2023 | Philosophy | Article |
On the currently dominant reading of the Groundwork, Kant’s derivation of ‘imperatives of duty’ exemplifies a decision procedure for the derivation of concrete duti [...]
11 December 2023 | Philosophy | Article |
The paper offers a new reading of the argument against poetry in Republic 10. I argue that Socrates’ corruption charges rely on the tripartite theory of the soul, and t [...]
10 November 2023 | Philosophy | Article |
Fichte’s ambitious project in the Foundations of Natural Right is to provide an a priori deduction of the concept of right independently from morality. So far, interpre [...]
03 July 2023 | Philosophy | Article |
Immanuel Kant was possibly both the most influential racist and the most influential moral philosopher of modern, Western thought. So far, authors have either interpreted [...]
06 September 2023 | Philosophy | Article |
My dissertation on the Theaetetus is motivated by this question: Why is the text in which we expect to find Plato’s mature epistemology centered around relativism and w [...]
2023-08 | Philosophy | Dissertation |
The topic of this dissertation is how we should think about political justice—not the first-order question of what justice is or demands, but the second-order question [...]
2023-08 | Philosophy | Dissertation |
Although the inferring of explanations plays an important role in both our everyday lives and in the workings of science, I argue that inference to the best explanation a [...]
05 May 2023 | Philosophy | Article |
The Standard Picture holds that the contribution to the law made by an authoritative legal pronouncement is directly explained by the linguistic content of that pronounce [...]
14 February 2023 | Philosophy | Article |
This article analyses Moses Maimonides' account of the AfterDeath and, more specifically, of olam ha-ba’ (lit.: the world to come), the state of ultimate human happines [...]
15 February 2023 | Philosophy | Article |
The topic of my dissertation is the concept of nature and how Kant and Hegel each conceive ofit. Both agree that ‘nature’ cannot be an empirical concept but is rather [...]
2023-03 | Philosophy | Dissertation |
This article offers a broad-ranging comparison of practical philosophy in the West and in China with a view to enabling not only better mutual understanding between the t [...]
28 December 2022 | Philosophy | Article |
Although citations are widely used to measure the influence of scientific works, research shows that many citations serve rhetorical functions and reflect little-to-no in [...]
18 January 2022 | Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science; Philosophy | Article |
Schopenhauer repeatedly claims that all pleasure is negative, and this view seems to play key roles throughout his work. Nonetheless, many scholars have argued that Schop [...]
12 October 2022 | Philosophy | Article |
This paper analyzes two transformative conceptions of qedushah (holiness) in medieval Jewish thought, Moses Maimonides’s and Moses Nahmanides’s. Maimonides reduces qe [...]
2022-07 | Philosophy | Article |
I motivate and develop a use-based semantic theory in opposition to the dominant paradigm in philosophical and linguistic semantics. Drawing inspiration from Wilfrid Sell [...]
2022-08 | Philosophy | Dissertation |
In October 2016, I adopted my dog, Gracie. Within days, I came to understand something that had already been evident to others but that is mostly denied or ignored by phi [...]
2022-08 | Philosophy | Dissertation |
This dissertation articulates and defends a new interpretation of the concept of mind which underlies Kant’s account of mental faculties in the three Critiques. On my r [...]
2022-08 | Philosophy | Dissertation |

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