Geographical Sciences

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Geographical Sciences 12 records found Search took 0.11 seconds. 
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2022-05 | Chicago Studies Theses and Capstones; Geographical Sciences | Thesis |
This thesis seeks to develop a comprehensive understanding of chronically underused stations throughout the Chicago Transit Authority’s rail network. I will specificall [...]
2022-04 | Chicago Studies Theses and Capstones; Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics; Geographical Sciences | Thesis |

Regenerative development is an emergent field of practice aimed to address escalating climate change and urbanization trends by incorporating holistic, systems thinkin [...]

2022-05 | Chicago Studies Theses and Capstones; Environmental and Urban Studies; Geographical Sciences | Thesis |

Decades of segregationist housing policies, disinvestment, and structural racism have stratified urban America into wealthier and whiter neighborhoods, and poorer comm [...]

2022-04 | Chicago Studies Theses and Capstones; Environmental and Urban Studies; Geographical Sciences; Public Policy Theses and Projects | Thesis |
Besides its protective function, housing also has significant cultural, social, and personal meanings; therefore, the change in housing morphology can subsequently alter [...]
2022-06 | Environmental and Urban Studies; Geographical Sciences; MA Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS) | Thesis |
As cities across the world have experienced urbanization over the past several decades, gentrification, and its accompanying social and economic tensions, has become one [...]
11 June 2021 | Geographical Sciences | Thesis |
In recent years, cities across the United States have expanded their bicycle infrastructure. In some instances, community members and local politicians have criticized th [...]
28 April 2021 | Geographical Sciences | Thesis |
Overall place-based public expenditure in Chicago has followed patterns of neoliberal spatial selectivity, where business and economic development is prioritized, primari [...]
2018-06 | Geographical Sciences; Chicago Studies Theses and Capstones | Thesis |
This thesis builds off of interviews with former members of Chicago’s Uptown Tent City to add to our understanding of the homeless community’s relationship with the s [...]
2018-06 | Geographical Sciences; Chicago Studies Theses and Capstones | Thesis |
This study focuses on the spatial claims that the Obama Foundation and South Side Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) Coalition make regarding the Obama Presidential Cente [...]
2018-06 | Geographical Sciences; Chicago Studies Theses and Capstones | Thesis |
Chicago’s black population has dropped by a third from its 1950 peak, and continues to drop even as other racial groups grow. Because of Chicago’s severe racial segre [...]
2019-06 | Geographical Sciences; Chicago Studies Theses and Capstones; Public Policy Theses and Projects | Thesis |
Given the substantial cost of running carceral facilities in the United States and the overcrowding of jails and prisons, the number of individuals on electronic monitori [...]
2020-06 | Geographical Sciences; Chicago Studies Theses and Capstones; Public Policy Theses and Projects | Thesis |

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