Purpose: To describe two surgical techniques for removing Baerveldt-350 Glaucoma Implants (BGI-350).
Observations and plan: A 91-year-old female with history of bilateral BGI-350s and prior history of tube associated endophthalmitis in the left eye requiring tube removal and resultant phthisis was referred for tube erosion and hypopyon in the right only-seeing eye, and we recommended tube removal. On exam, the left phthisical eye still had a BGI-350 plate attached under the lateral rectus muscle by one anchoring stalk, as it had not been fully removed previously, and the patient recalled severe pain during attempted tube removal in the left eye. We performed concurrent removal of both BGI-350s under general anesthesia. We describe a surgical technique for removing a BGI-350 when the conjunctiva does not need to be spared for future surgery. We also present a second case of BGI-350 removal with a different technique that aims to spare the conjunctiva for future surgery.
Conclusions and importance: BGI-350s can develop complications requiring repositioning, revision, or removal. Improper removal of BGI-350s can lead to patient discomfort and future complications. We highlight two different techniques to remove a BGI-350, depending on whether the conjunctiva is intended to be spared for future surgery or not. With either technique, we advocate for general anesthesia and a posterior scleral traction suture to provide patient comfort and optimal exposure of the surgical field.