

This thesis consists of three papers in the field of learning, in operational settings. The first paper (Chapter 2) is titled Thompson Sampling for Infinite-Horizon Discounted Decision Processes. We model a Markov decision process, parametrized by an unknown parameter, and study the asymptotic behavior of a sampling-based algorithm, called Thompson sampling. The standard definition of regret is not always suitable to evaluate a policy, especially when the underlying chain structure is general. We show that the standard (expected) regret can grow (super-)linearly and fails to capture the notion of learning in realistic settings with non-trivial state evolution. By decomposing the standard (expected) regret, we develop a new metric, called the expected residual regret, which forgets the immutable consequences of past actions. Instead, it measures regret against the optimal reward moving forward from the current period. We show that the expected residual regret of the Thompson sampling algorithm is upper bounded by a term which converges exponentially fast to 0. We present conditions under which the posterior sampling error of Thompson sampling converges to 0 almost surely. We then introduce the probabilistic version of the expected residual regret and present conditions under which it converges to 0 almost surely. Thus, we provide a viable concept of learning for sampling algorithms which will serve useful in broader settings than had been considered previously. The second paper (Chapter 3) is titled Estimating the Mean and Variance of Heterogeneous Tasks. The third paper (Chapter 4) is titled Equitable Data-Driven Assignments of Workers to Tasks. These two chapters are tightly related to each other. In Chapter 4, we put forward a simple yet effective method of predicting completion times of tasks, assuming that the completion time is a function of worker-task familiarity. Our prediction algorithm requires estimating the mean and standard deviation of time and familiarity across tasks. Yet, in many settings it is not straightforward to estimate the mean and variance of a task that does not appear frequently. This constitutes the motivation for Chapter 3. To estimate the mean and variance of surgical encounters, we adapt two statistical methods into this novel setting. In Chapter 4, we develop a practical algorithm to predict task completion times, which obscures workers' performance information and only uses the task familiarity of individual workers, i.e., the equitable policy. We bound the algorithm's steady-state predictions when used in a sequential assignment framework against the policy that doesn't obscure worker-specific performance, i.e., the performance-aware policy. We study the ramifications of using the equitable policy on the total task completion times in the long-run. Under certain assumptions, we uncover that the egalitarian policy performs the worst, i.e., a policy which imposes that (i) each worker has the same propensity to be assigned to a task and (ii) each task has the same propensity to be assigned to a worker, yields the worst outcome. This constitutes an upper bound on the penalty of making equitable assignments.




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