

This paper investigates the factors influencing the treatment of repatriated Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTFs) through a comparative analysis of case studies and a broad quantitative study. The study focuses on political and civil rights, religious characteristics, and experiences with Islamic terrorism as potential attributes that shape states' approaches. The case studies include the Netherlands, Morocco, and France. The research design combines in-depth case studies with a surface-level assessment categorizing states based on their repatriation responses. The paper sheds light on the complexities of balancing national security concerns and the protection of human rights and highlights the need for more research on attributes contributing to disparities in FTF treatment. By analyzing the treatment of repatriated FTFs in different countries, this research aims to provide insights into the factors influencing their approaches and contributing to developing consistent standards. Although not groundbreaking, the findings of this research contribute to a better understanding of the factors influencing the treatment of repatriated FTFs.



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