

Background: The high frequency of missed appointments continues to be a burden on healthcare providers, leading to decreased productivity, quality of service, and quality of outcome. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of Televox's automated appointment reminder service in reducing the missed appointment rate for MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). The appointment reminders were sent 72 h in advance. The total and no-show numbers were tallied to calculate missed appointment rates. Comparison of the missed appointment rate with and without Televox implementation and different payment types was performed. Temporal comparisons were also made across the corresponding time periods in order to control for seasonal fluctuations. Results: An insignificant decline in missed appointment rates was found in locations implementing Televox (P = .495) overall, although a significant decrease in missed appointments was found among Medicaid patients (P = .0381). Conclusion: Implementation of Televox appointment reminder systems did not significantly affect appointment attendance overall, but could be more useful specifically for encouraging Medicaid patients to attend MRI appointments.




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