Population genomic data contains a startling amount of information about the
demographic history of populations. As advances in statistical methodology for
demographic inference and increases in sampling provide greater resolution into
the past, empirical studies of various organisms have illuminated histories
replete with changes in population size, migrations, population splits, and
mergers. Demographic inference generally operates by fitting simplified models
of population history to patterns of genetic variation assumed to have no effect
on the fitness of the organism. An important use of these models is provide
approximate dates for historical events. It is also important to understand what
the implications of these models, and the complex histories they attempt to
represent, are for the distribution of biologically interesting types of genetic
variation. The work presented here first addresses the consequences of
population history for deleterious genetic variation and genetic variation
affecting quantitative traits. The investigations center around (1) how
divergent histories between examples of African and Out-of-Africa populations
have led to differences in the distribution of deleterious variation, and (2)
how arbitrary models of demographic history affect the distribution of
quantitative traits. Finally, (3) the dog/wolf mutation rate is estimated and
used to scale demographic models of dog domestication.