Poleward water vapor transport in the midlatitudes mainly occurs in meandering filaments of intense water vapor transport, spanning thousands of kilometers long and hundreds of kilometers wide and moving eastward. The water vapor filaments are known as atmospheric rivers (ARs). They can cause extreme wind gusts, intense precipitation, and flooding along densely populated coastal regions. Many recent studies about ARs focused on the statistical analyses of ARs, but a process-level understanding of ARs remains elusive. Here we show that ARs are streams of air with enhanced vapor kinetic energy (VKE) and derive a governing equation for Integrated VKE to understand what contributes to the evolution of ARs. We find that ARs grow mainly because of potential energy conversion to kinetic energy, decay largely owing to condensation and turbulence, and the eastward movement is primarily due to horizontal advection of VKE. Our VKE framework complements the integrated vapor transport framework, which is popular for identifying ARs but lacks a prognostic equation for understanding the physical processes.