

We report a theoretical study of CdSe nanoplatelets aimed at identifying the main factors determining their photophysical properties. Using atomic configurations optimized with density functional theory calculations, we computed quasiparticle and exciton binding energies of nanoplatelets with two to seven monolayers. We employed many body perturbation theory at the GW level and solved the Bethe-Salpeter equation to obtain absorption spectra and excitonic properties. Our results, which agree well with recent experiments, were then used to design a model that allows us to disentangle the effects of quantum confinement, strain induced by passivating ligands, and dielectric environment on the electronic properties of nanoplatelets. We found that, for the model to accurately reproduce our first principle results, it is critical to account for surface stress and consider a finite potential barrier and energy-dependent effective masses when describing quantum confinement. Our findings call into question previous assumptions on the validity of an infinite barrier to describe carrier confinement in nanoplatelets, suggesting that it may be possible to optimize interfacial charge transfer and extraction by appropriately choosing passivating ligands. The model developed here is generalizable to core–shell platelets and enables the description of system sizes not yet directly treatable by first-principles calculations.




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