Previous investigations along Curiosity's traverse in Gale crater have explored the relationship between orbital and in situ observations. This work aims to better understand the geologic environment of units only observable from orbit and compare them to the properties of units examined by Curiosity. Here, we map an erosion-resistant dark-toned mantling unit that overlies the modern topography of Aeolis Mons (informally known as Mt. Sharp) and compare this unit to two other previously mapped dark-toned resistant units, the marker band and the mound skirting unit (MSU), that have been inferred to represent different geologic environments (lacustrine and aeolian, respectively). Visible to short wave infrared spectra from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars and visual images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment and Context Cameras aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter are used for this comparison. Spectral data suggest a mafic composition with minor alteration, although the composition varies more with location around Mt. Sharp rather than between units. Morphologically, the mantling unit has strong similarities to the marker band based on their consistent low-albedo, erosion-resistance, and smooth appearance, contrasting with the highly variable surface texture of the MSU. We hypothesize that all three units had a similar sediment source but experienced aqueous alteration at different times: early ubiquitous cementation in a surface aqueous environment in the mantling unit and marker band versus patchy late diagenesis in the MSU. If true, these results suggest that water activity continued within the Gale crater long after the erosion of Mt. Sharp.