

The Trojan exon method, which makes use of intronically inserted T2A-Gal4 cassettes, has been widely used in Drosophila to create thousands of gene-specific Gal4 driver lines. These dual-purpose lines provide genetic access to specific cell types based on their expression of a native gene while simultaneously mutating one allele of the gene to enable loss-of-function analysis in homozygous animals. While this dual use is often an advantage, the truncation mutations produced by Trojan exons are sometimes deleterious in heterozygotes, perhaps by creating translation products with dominant negative effects. Such mutagenic effects can cause developmental lethality as has been observed with genes encoding essential transcription factors. Given the importance of transcription factors in specifying cell type, alternative techniques for generating specific Gal4 lines that target them are required. Here, we introduce a modified Trojan exon method that retains the targeting fidelity and plug-and-play modularity of the original method but mitigates its mutagenic effects by exploiting the self-splicing capabilities of split inteins. “Split Intein Trojan exons” (siTrojans) ensure that the two truncation products generated from the interrupted allele of the native gene are trans-spliced to create a full-length native protein. We demonstrate the efficacy of siTrojans by generating a comprehensive toolkit of Gal4 and Split Gal4 lines for the segmentally expressed Hox transcription factors and illustrate their use in neural circuit mapping by targeting neurons according to their position along the anterior–posterior axis. Both the method and the Hox gene–specific toolkit introduced here should be broadly useful.




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