

Microsaccades, the tiny gaze relocations that occurr during fixation, have been linked to covert attention deployed degrees away from the center of gaze. However, the link between attention and microsaccades is deeper in that it also unfolds at the foveal scale. Here, we have examined the spatial grain of pre-microsaccadic attention across the 1° foveola. Through the use of high-precision eye-tracking and gaze-contingent display system that achieves arcminute precision in gaze localization, we have shown that the spotlight of attention at this scale can reach a strikingly high resolution, in the order of 0.17°. Further, when a microsaccade occurs, vision is modulated in a peculiar way across the foveola; whereas fine spatial vision is enhanced at the microsaccade goal location, it drops at the very center of gaze, where acuity is normally highest. These results reveal the finesse of the visuomotor system and of the interplay between eye movements and attention.




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