

In the search for life outside of Earth, the key targets for current exploration are icy moons within our solar system and terrestrial exoplanets within the habitable zones of their central stars. This is because, as liquid water has been a key component for the evolution of life on Earth, icy moons with subsurface oceans and terrestrial exoplanets with surface liquid water are believed to yield potential environments in which extraterrestrial life could originate. However, the presence of liquid water is not the only requirement for life, as organisms need an ample supply of biocritical elements (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, and hydrogen) that represent the major components of proteins and DNA, the building blocks of cellular structure and biochemistry. Whether a planetary body ends up with the requisite inventory of the elements needed for life's inception depends on a series of complex, interconnected processes including formation and subsequent geophysical evolution of the planetary body, making understanding their effect on the resulting supply of biocritical elements crucial to predicting whether life can originate in a given environment. In this thesis, I model the processes surrounding early giant planet formation, satellite formation, and the effect of planetary obliquity on terrestrial planet geophysical evolution in order to characterize how these processes impact the abundances of biocritical elements available for life in planets and planetary environments. In Chapter 2, I explore the effects of an actively forming, luminous giant planet core on local, volatile-rich solids within the protoplanetary disk. I find that a critical transition occurs where very hot (rapidly accreting) cores drive volatiles off of solids that are either accreted or experience a close fly-by with the core, while cool cores (slowly accreting) do not strip volatiles from nearby material. In Chapter 3, I model both the production of refractory carbon and nitrogen species (carbon and nitrogen molecular carriers that freeze out at temperatures higher than 40K such as CO$_{2}$ and NH$_{3}$) and their accretion by growing satellites within the circumplanetary disk (CPD) that originates during the late stages of giant planet formation. While we find that refractory carbon and nitrogen species are produced within our modeled CPDs, these species are not efficiently accreted by forming satellitessimals and hence cannot contribute to growing satellites' carbon and nitrogen inventories. Therefore, in order for satellites with rich biocritical element inventories to form, refractory carbon and nitrogen species must be supplied from the protoplanetary disk. Finally, in Chapter 4, I model and analyze the effects that moderately high planetary obliquity (45$\degree$) has on planetary oxygenation potential and compare the resulting effects with those caused by increased phosphate and ocean remineralization depth. We find that moderately high obliquity planets experience increased planetary oxygenation potential due to an increase in photosynthethic oxygen production rates by marine organisms and a decrease in oceanic oxygen solubility when compared to their low obliquity counterparts. Moderately high obliquity planets may then prove to be more conducive to the evolution of complex life than Earth.




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