Germanic Studies Dissertations

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Germanic Studies Dissertations 21 records found Search took 0.19 seconds. 
This dissertation examines how German modernism seeks to respond to the problem of nihilism, particularly as it was formulated by Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche understoo [...]
2024-08 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
This dissertation considers concepts of play in literary texts by four German writers of the long nineteenth century: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Clemens Brentano, E.T.A. [...]
2024-08 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
This dissertation analyzes the poetic practices and critical discourses of the early German Romantic project of progressive universal poetry through the works of Friedric [...]
2023-08 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
This dissertation is a historical study of pleasure as a form of relational thought. The interest of the project is historical, formal, and theoretical: How did sexuality [...]
2023-08 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
This dissertation studies representations of civil war in nineteenth-century German drama. It marks the first systematic attempt in the field of German studies to employ [...]
2023-08 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
This dissertation shows how the intersection between German and Yiddish became an important but largely forgotten site of literary production in the long twentieth centur [...]
2022-08 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
This dissertation addresses a contentious topic within the history of political economy and the interpretation of several influential theories which engage with it. It is [...]
2022-08 | Germanic Studies Dissertations; Philosophy | Dissertation |
This dissertation shows that the unity of the philosophical, religious, and aesthetic developments during the period 1770–1830 only comes fully to light when viewed wit [...]
2022-08 | Germanic Studies Dissertations; Divinity | Dissertation |
This dissertation focuses on the manifold afterlives of Greek antiquity in the German-language poetry and poetics during the era of Weimar Classicism (1788-1805). I appro [...]
2021-08 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
This dissertation is a literary history of the Viennese Biedermeier, a period spanning the Vienna Congress in 1815 and the Spring of Nations in 1848. Through four case st [...]
2020-08 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
Over forty-five films made in Nazi Germany foregrounded classical music, despite the reluctance of film composers to quote the classics and worries on the part of the mus [...]
2020-08 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
The field of Germanic studies has recently witnessed a renascent interest in Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s natural scientific work, above all his ‘morphology’ or stu [...]
2020-06 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
This dissertation explores the tradition of literary romance in order to make an argument concerning the truth of imaginative fiction. In much of literary history, romanc [...]
2020-03 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
This study investigates the motif and operation of recognition in poetic realist works by Adalbert Stifter (1805-1868) and Gottfried Keller (1819-1890). Taking as a start [...]
2019-06 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
This dissertation analyzes one of the most recurrent--and troubling--motifs in modern German literature: death by drowning. Ultimately, it suggests that these scenes of d [...]
2019-06 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
Frames are everywhere. They are found in fields as diverse as sociology, computer science, cognitive psychology, and, of course, literary studies. Broadly defined as stru [...]
2018-12 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
This dissertation explores acting in productions directed by Frank Castorf at the Berlin Volksbühne between 1990 and 1994. Castorf’s directorial style has transformed [...]
2018-12 | Germanic Studies Dissertations; Cinema and Media Studies | Dissertation |
This work seeks to demonstrate that Johann Wolfgang Goethe 's practice of an art of living closely corresponds with the ancient philosophical form of life as elaborated b [...]
2018-12 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
This dissertation provides an account of the broad, holistic theory of mind with which Johann Gottlieb Fichte and his contemporaries thought about the interrelation of th [...]
2015 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |
To the extent the history of autism has been investigated, its object has been treated as a natural-scientific given. Its history then takes twofold shape, comprising (1) [...]
2015 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |

An interest in the concept of ornament, and in the range of artistic practices traditionally called ornamental, has long been recognized as a feature of [...]An interest in the concept of ornament, and in the range of artistic practices traditionally called ornamental, has long been recognized as a feature of the literary and [...]

2015-12 | Germanic Studies Dissertations | Dissertation |

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