A vast and rich body of information has grown up as a result of the world's enthusiasm for 'omics technologies. Finding ways to describe and make available this information that maximise its usefulness has become a major effort across the 'omics world. At the heart of this effort is the Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC), an open-membership organization that drives community-based standardization activities, Here we provide a short history of the GSC, provide an overview of its range of current activities, and make a call for the scientific community to join forces to improve the quality and quantity of contextual information about our public collections of genomes, metagenomes, and marker gene sequences.
The Genomic Standards Consortium
Field, Dawn : Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Amaral-Zettler, Linda : Marine Biological Laboratory Cochrane, Guy : European Molecular Biology Laboratory Cole, James R. : Michigan State University Dawyndt, Peter : Ghent University Garrity, George M. : Michigan State University Gilbert, Jack : University of Chicago Glöckner, Frank Oliver : Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Hirschman, Lynette : The MITRE Corporation Karsch-Mizrachi, Ilene : National Library of Medicine Klenk, Hans-Peter : DSMZ Knight, Rob : University of Colorado Kottmann, Renzo : Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology Kyrpides, Nikos : DOE Joint Genome Institute Meyer, Folker : University of Chicago Gil, Inigo San : University of New Mexico Sansone, Susanna-Assunta : University of Oxford Schriml, Lynn M. : University of Maryland
Funding Information
NERC, International Opportunities Fund Award, NE/3521773/1 NERC, International Opportunities Fund Award, NE/E007325/1 National Science Foundation, RCN4GSC, DBI-0840989
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