

The dramatic transformation of agriculture during the 20th and early 21st centuries has resulted in perceived competition regarding the future of agriculture between conventional and sustainable views. In reality, many farmers engage in both types of agriculture. Through an investigation of farmer perceptions of agricultural practices and policy, this study seeks to understand the state of sustainable agriculture in Illinois. In this study, I strive to answer two questions. What motivates Illinois farmers to engage in sustainable agricultural practices, and what barriers exist to implementing said practices? Secondly, how can the Illinois government support farmers' use of sustainable agricultural practices? By researching these questions, I seek to inform future sustainable agricultural policy in Illinois.

Through the analysis of eleven interviews with Illinois farmers and agricultural experts, I find a wide range of motivations and constraints to implementing or expanding the use of sustainable practices. Considering these factors, I suggest the following policies to facilitate the transition and expansion of sustainable agriculture in Illinois: (1) direct extension service research toward local research on sustainable practices, (2) expand and simplify governmental outreach regarding sustainable agricultural programs, (3) revise crop insurance “good farming practices” to include sustainable methods, and (4) stabilize the agricultural labor force with increased pathways to residency and citizenship for undocumented farmworkers.




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