

Antivaxxers and the vaccine hesitant express different degrees of resistance to COVID-19 vaccination yet are often considered as a monolith. Little is understood about the attributes of these two sub-populations and combining them conceptually makes public health vaccine surveillance less specific and has implications for intervention implementation and scale-up, including for future vaccine preventable epidemics in the United States. The purpose of this quantitative study is to provide detailed information about how the attribute intersectionality of vaccine hesitancy categorized vaccine hesitant and antivaxx in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. By analyzing the data of the AmeriSpeak custom survey conducted in summer 2021, this study selected 1184 eligible participants who expressed certain degrees of COVID vaccination hesitancy, and proceeded with latent class analysis (LCA). This research shows that based on the attribute intersectionality of vaccine hesitancy, both vaccine hesitant and antivaxx groups can be divided into three latent classes which are Multi-issue dominant, Side-effect dominant, and Non-dominant. Moreover, while the two groups can be distinguished by demographic characteristics, medical attitudes, COVID-related behaviors, and health outcome characteristics, the descriptors of latent class membership further reflected their categorical characteristics from a group-wise perspective. Further, the latent classes showed distinct performances across various indicators from a pair-wise perspective. These findings could shed light on developing tailored public health policy for social groups with different mindsets on mass vaccination.



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