

Education is an everlastingly debated topic amongst people. As a new ramification of this new era, online study platforms have developed as the high-technology industry has grown so quickly and generated a considerable number of products with a high popularity in recent years. Most students and families take advantage of online study's ease, convenience, and efficiency. However, they did not imagine that, one day in the future, online study would be the dominant route for them to receive academic knowledge. The COVID-19 limited on-site classes; therefore, most schools, including primary schools, middle schools, high schools, and universities, granted teachings via online study platforms. Zoom and Canvas have become two closest study partners accompanying students during the pandemic. Different levels of accessibility to electronic devices and the Internet significantly impact students' progress in learning. The reports show that the difference in learning progress among the same-grade students in developing contexts with a deficiency of online study resources enlarged after experiencing a two-year pandemic (Dorn, 2021). As the world is gradually recovering from the pandemic, it is essential for teachers, educators, and schools, to think about how to help students to catch up or shorten the gap among the same-grade students. This writing will analyze an existing math curriculum, JUMP Math Curriculum, and develop a business proposal to operate an online study platform, open for both educational departments (organizations) in Peru and investors to improve the learning efficiency and further bridge the gap.



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