The emerging fields of quantum computation and communication offer many advantages to existing technologies. Quantum systems developed to realize these advantages face challenges such as decoherence or poor coupling to other systems. These problems can be tackled using spin qubits found in crystallographic defects in silicon carbide (SiC). The divacancy defect in the 4H polytype of SiC is composed of an electron-spin system with fast electromagnetic and optical control housed in a technologically mature semiconductor. This thesis will discuss a pair of results that position the divacancy as a strong candidate for inclusion in hybrid quantum systems or for long-distance entanglement generation. The first result is an experimental demonstration of enhancing the coherence of a qubit composed of a single divacancy’s ground-state spin levels by enhancing its natural insensitivity to environmental noise. The application of a continuous microwave-frequency drive leads to a measurement of the qubit’s inhomogeneous dephasing time in a decoherence protected subspace to be >22 milliseconds with an accompanying Hahn-echo coherence of >64 milliseconds. The second result constitutes the design and simulation of a hybrid optomechanical resonator to address a single divacancy in a monolithic cavity design that could preserve the divacancy’s optical and spin properties. We estimate >150x enhancement of the divacancy’s emission rate via coupling to the simulated optical cavity modes. We also estimate the optomechanical cavity to have quantum cooperativity >1000 from feasible device parameters, well above the threshold for operation at its quantum groundstate. This could enable a proposed scheme to store emitted near-infrared divacancy photons as mechanical excitations before reading them out at telecom wavelengths for transmission over low-loss optical fiber infrastructure.