

This study examined the association between children’s puzzle proficiency and parental praise types and frequency. Grounded in self-worth and attribution theories, the research aimed to understand variations in parental feedback based on differing child proficiency levels. A total of 93 parent-child dyads, with children aged 36 to 60 months, were observed across two puzzle tasks of varying difficulty. Results indicated that higher child proficiency was associated with reduced praise frequency overall. Additionally, puzzle difficulty was positively associated with praise frequency, with parents providing more praise during the more challenging task. However, the interaction between puzzle difficulty and proficiency on praise frequency was not statistically significant. Regarding types of praise, parents provided more process, general, and affirmation praise overall. The findings suggest that parental praise strategies are influenced by both child proficiency and task difficulty, with consistent praise patterns observed across tasks. These results provide insight into how parents adjust their feedback based on children's performance and task demands.



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