The Xia-Shang Zhou Chronology Project was a five-year state-sponsored project, carried out between 1995–2000, to determine an absolute chronology of the Western Zhou dynasty and approximate chronologies of the Xia and Shang dynasties. At the end of the five years, the Project issued a provisional report entitled Report on the 1996–2000 Provisional Results of the Xia-Shang Zhou Chronology Project: Brief Edition detailing its results. A promised full report was finally published in 2022: Report on the Xia-Shang Zhou Chronology Project. Although numerous discoveries in the more than twenty years between the publications of the Brief Edition and the Report have revealed that the Project's absolute chronology of the Western Zhou is fundamentally flawed, and some of the problems are acknowledged by the Report, still the Report maintains the Project's chronology without any correction. In the review, I present four of these discoveries, from four different periods of the Western Zhou, discussing their implications for the Project's chronology. I conclude with a call for some sort of authoritative statement acknowledging the errors in the report.
“夏商周斷代工程”是中國政府從 1995 年到 2000 年支持的五年學術項目,目的是為了判斷西周時代絕對年代框架以及夏代和商代的大約年代。在 2000 年,這個項目公布了一種階段性的報告,題做《夏商周斷代工程 1996–2000 年階段成果報告:簡本》。二十多年以後,在 2022 年“夏商周斷代工程”終於出版了正式報告,即《夏商周斷代工程報告》。正如《夏商周斷代工程報告》也承認的那樣,這二十多年以來眾多考古發現顯示了原來的西周年代框架含有嚴重問題,甚至有絕對錯誤。雖然如此,《夏商周斷代工程報告》毫無改變地繼承了《夏商周斷代工程 1996–2000 年階段成果報告:簡本》的年代框架。本文對二十年以來代表西周時代四個不同的階段的四種發現作簡單的介紹,及其對“夏商周斷代工程”的結論作評論。最後,我還指出根據學術道德,“夏商周斷代工程”的相關領導有責任公開地指出《夏商周斷代工程報告》的問題。