

Eleanor Hu interviews her aunt, Zhen Hu, about growing up in a small village in Hunan province, China in the 1970s, before moving to a large city, Shenzhen, in 2002. Hu begins by discussing the use of coal and charcoal for domestic heating and cooking and reflects on social stratification around energy in the village. She discusses food storage before refrigeration and the incorporation of new household technologies. Hu also reflects on her family's decision to transition to solar energy around the year 2000. She discusses the advantages of solar energy (including the alleviation of air pollution, convenience, status in the village, and lower costs) along with the hesitation from others in the village. Hu discusses her husband's 20 year employment at the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant, describing safety concerns and public fears of nuclear accidents, like Chernobyl and Fukushima. Hu reflects on how her personal sentiments toward nuclear and solar energy have changed over time.




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