

Precision measurements at the LHC are complementary to direct new physics searches. The high-energy distribution of diboson processes $[WW, WZ, V(W,Z)h]$ is a promising place, with the possibility of significant improvement in sensitivity as the data accumulates. We focus on the semileptonic final states and make projections of the reach for future runs of the LHC with integrated luminosities of $300 fb^{-1}$ and $3 ab^{-1}$. In the semileptonic channel of $WV$, we have employed a combination of kinematical distributions of both the $W$ and $Z$ and their decay products to select the longitudinally polarized $W$ and $Z$ to enhance the sensitivity. The measurement in this channel can surpass the sensitivity of the precision measurement at LEP, and they can be significantly more sensitive than the HL-LHC $h→Zγ$ measurements. Compared with the fully leptonic channel, the reach from the semileptonic channel can be better with effective suppression of the reducible background and systematic error. We also considered the reaches on the new physics mass scale in different new physics scenarios, including the strongly interacting light Higgs (SILH), the strongly coupled multipole interaction (Remedios), and the class of models with partially composite fermions.




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