

This study aimed to assess the quality of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) data elements within the Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System Analytical File (TAF) and to devise strategies for improving its research usability. Analyzing Medicaid TAF data from 2016 to 2018, we conducted a retrospective data quality analysis, focusing specifically on HCBS-related data elements. Through secondary data analysis, we identified significant challenges, including considerable missingness and inconsistencies that hamper the effective use of TAF for research purposes. Despite these issues, we developed three approaches that enabled us to identify 94% of known 1915(c) waiver claims as HCBS. Our study also revealed considerable cross-state variations in data quality, prompting specific recommendations for utilizing HCBS data within TAF. Ultimately, the study concludes that while challenges exist, applying our recommended strategies can yield data of acceptable quality for most states, particularly in identifying HCBS usage and classifying them into service categories. Given the growing importance of home-based care, there is a pressing need to prioritize improvements in TAF’s HCBS data quality to better inform policy and practice.




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