

This thesis covers how the cultural and historical tenants of the “German way of war” were enacted and unleashed on the Eastern Front during World War II from October, 1944 to May, 1945. The primary source evidence that this thesis relies on as the basis for its empirical claims include professionally translated medieval firsthand accounts, professionally translated nineteenth century legal statutes, and duly recorded recollections and wartime correspondence from World War II, which have been preserved in both books and scholarly journal articles. The secondary source evidence that this thesis relies on as the basis for its empirical claims include scholarly journal articles and books that can be considered either relatively recent and/or recent scholarship - and which also cover all of the historical time periods discussed in this thesis. Lastly, visual evidence with accompanying captions will also be utilized as special primary sources for the dual purpose of both aiding the reader in understanding the historical and cultural material that is being discussed, as well as to further support the overarching argument and subsequent claims of this thesis.




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