From various lensing and non-lensing observations, the total density profile in elliptical galaxies is well approximated by a power law mass distribution. However, as neither the dark matter nor the baryons individually follow the power law, this observational result has been referred to as the “bulge–halo conspiracy”. We investigate the consistency of this conspiracy with higher precision than previous studies with the largest ever sample of galaxy–galaxy lenses assembled from archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data. By performing lens modelling with power law profiles and combining them with stellar dynamics using the mass-sheet transformation, we can constrain the profile’s deviation from the power law model over a redshift range of 0.1 to 0.8. To uniformly model such a large sample of lens models, we use the automated modelling pipeline dolphin. We also investigate the evolutionary trend of the total mass density slope of the lensing galaxies.