The dispersive interaction between a qubit and a cavity is ubiquitous in circuit and cavity quantum electrodynamics. It describes the frequency shift of one quantum mode in response to excitations in the other and, in closed systems, is necessarily bidirectional, i.e., reciprocal. Here, we present an experimental study of a nonreciprocal dispersive-type interaction between a transmon qubit and a superconducting cavity, arising from a common coupling to dissipative intermediary modes with broken time reversal symmetry. We characterize the qubit-cavity dynamics, including asymmetric frequency pulls and photon shot noise dephasing, under varying degrees of nonreciprocity by tuning the magnetic field bias of a ferrite component in situ. We introduce a general master equation model for nonreciprocal interactions in the dispersive regime, providing a compact description of the observed qubit-cavity dynamics agnostic to the intermediary system. Our result provides an example of quantum nonreciprocal phenomena beyond the typical paradigms of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and cascaded systems.