
Abstract: What are the local political, economic, and social conditions of the communities that sent insurrectionists to the U.S. Capitol in support of Donald Trump? Using a new dataset of the home counties of individuals charged for the Capitol Insurrection, we present the first systematic analysis of community-level factors on county rates of arrested insurrectionists. A one standard deviation decline in non-Hispanic White population share is associated with a 37% increase in the rate of insurrectionists, while manufacturing decline is associated with a 12% increase, even when controlling for population, racial makeup, and populist Trump support. The effect of white population decline is greater in counties whose U.S. Representative objected to the certification of the 2020 election results. Our findings suggest that improving economic conditions alone will not solve the problem of violent populism. Future research should further investigate the differences between electoral and violent populism. This dataset contains the Stata (version 18) dofiles and datafiles needed to replicate the figures and tables in the publication "The Political Geography of the January 6 Insurrectionists." (2024-01-08)


