Living liquid crystals, a realization of active nematics where a lyotropic liquid crystal is combined with active bacteria, exhibit a plethora of out-of-equilibrium phenomena that range from active turbulence and dynamic spatiotemporal patterns to the creation and annihilation of motile topological defects. Experiments and hydrodynamic simulations are used here to report on the emergence of bend stripes, which arise as spontaneous undulations of the director field in circularly aligned lyotropic liquid crystals doped with bacteria. The interplay between bacterial-induced hydrodynamic flows and elastic forces in the material induces remarkable deformation patterns consisting of branched, radially elongated bands of a high curvature of the director field. The average number of such branches increases with the distance from the center of the circular alignment, leading to the formation of a radial tree of bands that is reminiscent of a snowflake structure. Hydrodynamic simulations, which are in agreement with the experiments, are used to explain the origin of such structures and to provide additional insights into regimes that are beyond the limit of experimental measurements. In particular, it is found that when activity is switched off in the early stages of pattern formation, a pronounced decay of bend-distortion energy ensues, with little change of the splay energy, serving to confirm that the bend stripes are an outcome of activity-driven bend-instability phenomena. Taken together, experiments and simulations demonstrate a system in which strain and geometry can be combined to dynamically manipulate pattern formation in active matter, paving the way to a deeper understanding and finer control of active colloidal systems.