      recid = {6062},
      author = {Lee, Joonwoo},
      title = {The Analysis of the Artaman League and its Worldview under  the Context of the War Youth Generation, 1923-1929},
      publisher = {University of Chicago},
      school = {M.A.},
      address = {2022-06},
      number = {THESIS},
      abstract = {This research primarily concerns the Artaman League (Bund  Artam), the organization established in 1923 with Voliksh  (Völkische) Ideology. Founded by the union of several  Bauernhochschule (Farmer’s College) and Eagle and Falcon  (Adler und Falken), the league sought to expel Polish  workers entering Germany by recruiting volunteer laborers  for Volunteer Labor Service (Freiwilligearbeitdienst) to  work in the estates under the Artaman sponsor. At the same  time, it sought to instill the league’s Volkish ideology  into the minds of youths through the lectures in  Bauernhochschule. The research argues that the programs in  the league reflected the programs and institutions that  drew support from the youths, particularly the war youth  generation, in World War 1. Such programs include  Wandervogel, the youth movement established in the late  19th century that eventually became the hub for military  training and the youths supportive of the German cause;  Jungmannen program, the youth conscription for working at  farms, and Freikorps, the paramilitary group where its  military ethics and tradition influenced the league. Then,  the paper explores the worldview of the Artaman League,  especially with the religious context within the league and  the perception of the world heavily based on racial  hierarchy. },
      url = {http://knowledge.uchicago.edu/record/6062},
      doi = {https://doi.org/10.6082/uchicago.6062},