AB  - <p>Objective: To evaluate road safety in member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and estimate the benefits that vehicle safety interventions would have in this group of countries.</p> <p>Methods: We used a counterfactual analysis to assess the reduction in traffic deaths and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost if eight proven vehicle safety technologies and motorcycle helmets were entirely in use in countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. We modelled each technology using country-level incidence estimations of traffic injuries, and the prevalence and effectiveness of the technology to calculate the reduction in deaths and DALYs if the technology was fitted in the entire vehicle fleet.</p> <p>Findings: The availability of electronic stability control, including the antilock braking systems, would provide the most benefits for all road users with estimates of 23.2% (sensitivity analysis range: 9.7-27.8) fewer deaths and 21.1% (9.5-28.1) fewer DALYs. Increased use of seatbelts was estimated to prevent 11.3% (8.11-4.9) of deaths and 10.3% (8.2-14.4) of DALYs. Appropriate and correct use of motorcycle helmets could result in 8.0% (3.3-12.9) fewer deaths and 8.9% (4.2-12.5) fewer DALYs.</p> <p>Conclusion: Our findings show the potential of improved vehicle safety design and personal protective devices (seatbelts and helmets) to reduce traffic deaths and disabilities in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. These improvements can be achieved by vehicle design regulations and creating consumer demand for safer vehicles and motorcycle helmets through mechanisms such as new car assessment programmes and other initiatives.</p>
AD  - Japan Automobile Research Institute
AD  - Japan Automobile Research Institute
AD  - Japan Automobile Research Institute
AD  - Japan Automobile Research Institute
AD  - Comillas Pontifical University
AD  - University of Chicago
AU  - Antona-Makoshi, Jacobo
AU  - Muslim, Husam
AU  - Medojevic, Marko
AU  - Watanabe, Sandra
AU  - Seguí-Gómez, María
AU  - Bhalla, Kavi
DA  - 2023-03-01
ID  - 5586
JF  - Bulletin of the World Health Organization
L1  - https://knowledge.uchicago.edu/record/5586/files/Estimated-potential-death-and-disability-averted-with-vehicle-safety-interventions.pdf
L2  - https://knowledge.uchicago.edu/record/5586/files/Estimated-potential-death-and-disability-averted-with-vehicle-safety-interventions.pdf
L4  - https://knowledge.uchicago.edu/record/5586/files/Estimated-potential-death-and-disability-averted-with-vehicle-safety-interventions.pdf
LA  - eng
LK  - https://knowledge.uchicago.edu/record/5586/files/Estimated-potential-death-and-disability-averted-with-vehicle-safety-interventions.pdf
N2  - <p>Objective: To evaluate road safety in member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and estimate the benefits that vehicle safety interventions would have in this group of countries.</p> <p>Methods: We used a counterfactual analysis to assess the reduction in traffic deaths and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost if eight proven vehicle safety technologies and motorcycle helmets were entirely in use in countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. We modelled each technology using country-level incidence estimations of traffic injuries, and the prevalence and effectiveness of the technology to calculate the reduction in deaths and DALYs if the technology was fitted in the entire vehicle fleet.</p> <p>Findings: The availability of electronic stability control, including the antilock braking systems, would provide the most benefits for all road users with estimates of 23.2% (sensitivity analysis range: 9.7-27.8) fewer deaths and 21.1% (9.5-28.1) fewer DALYs. Increased use of seatbelts was estimated to prevent 11.3% (8.11-4.9) of deaths and 10.3% (8.2-14.4) of DALYs. Appropriate and correct use of motorcycle helmets could result in 8.0% (3.3-12.9) fewer deaths and 8.9% (4.2-12.5) fewer DALYs.</p> <p>Conclusion: Our findings show the potential of improved vehicle safety design and personal protective devices (seatbelts and helmets) to reduce traffic deaths and disabilities in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. These improvements can be achieved by vehicle design regulations and creating consumer demand for safer vehicles and motorcycle helmets through mechanisms such as new car assessment programmes and other initiatives.</p>
PY  - 2023-03-01
T1  - Estimated potential death and disability averted with vehicle safety interventions, Association of Southeast Asian Nations
TI  - Estimated potential death and disability averted with vehicle safety interventions, Association of Southeast Asian Nations
UR  - https://knowledge.uchicago.edu/record/5586/files/Estimated-potential-death-and-disability-averted-with-vehicle-safety-interventions.pdf
Y1  - 2023-03-01
ER  -