10B-161_eft.tif: a TIFF image of the front face of the envelope used to store 10B-161, scanned at 300 dots per inch. 10B-161_ebk.tif: a TIFF image of the reverse face of the envelope used to store 10B-161, scanned at 300 dots per inch. 10B-161_12.tif: a TIFF image of the full 12 inch by 12 inch area of plate 10B-161, scanned in 48 bit color at 600 dots per inch. North is oriented towards the top of the image. 10B-161_12R.tif: a TIFF image of the full 12 inch by 12 inch area of plate 10B-161, scanned in 48 bit color at 600 dots per inch. North is oriented towards the right edge of the image. 10B-161_6_sf_paper_48Bit.tif: a TIFF image of the central 6 inch by 6 inch square area of plate 10B-161, scanned in 48 bit color at 1200 dots per inch. North is oriented towards the top of the image. 10B-161_6R_sf_paper_48bit.tif: a TIFF image of the central 6 inch by 6 inch square area of plate 10B-161, scanned in 48 bit color at 1200 dots per inch. North is oriented towards the right edge of the image. 112921_SW.tif: a TIFF image of the density step wedge used to calibrate stellar intensities for 10B-161. README_step_wedge_densities: a README file listing the density values which correspond to the steps on the step wedge. 10B-161_6.fits: a FITS image converted from 10B-161_6.tif. 10B-161_6R.fits: a FITS image converted from 10B-161_6R.tif. README_SURVEY_FITS_dictionary_012522: a README file detailing the definitions of the keywords included in the 10B-161 FITS file headers and their units. 10B-161_catalog.fits: the catalog of stars, stellar positions, and magnitudes taken from the inner 6 inches of 10B-161. README_catalog: a README file detailing the columns of the catalog and their units.