COLLECT: What collection this plate is from, and where you could find it again. EPOCH: The epoch of the plate. INSTRUM: The instrument on which the data were recorded. SCANNER: The model of the digitizer that was used. SCANRES: The dpi of the digitized file. SERIES: The series identifier of the plate. SITE: The name of the observatory at which the negative was taken. SITE-LAT: The latitude at which the negative was taken. SITE-LON: The longitude at which the negative was taken. TELESCOP: The name of the telescope. TYPE: The type of plate, ie. spectrum, survey, objective prism, etc. PLATENUM: The number given to the plate by the observing astronomer. Obtained from the logbooks, envelope, and plate surface. DATE-LOG: The date of the observation given in the logbook. DATE-MJD: The date of observation given in the logbook, converted to MJD. EXP-LOG: The time of exposure, written in the logbook. EXP-PLA: The time of exposure, written on the plate. DATE-SCN: The date on which plate was digitizated. SCAN-OP: The name of the person who created the digitized file. EMULSION: The emulsion on the plate. SITE-ALT: The altitude of the observing location. HA: The hour angle of the observation in degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds (derived). AIRMASS: The airmass of the observation (derived). SCANID: The type of scan of the plate/the second half of plate identifiers. Generally incudes dimension of scan and/or color. OBSERVER: The name of the observing astronomer. PUBLICAT: List of places in which the image of this plate was published. REMARKS: Any remarks the astronomer made about the spectrum or plate. RA-PLATE: The notation of RA on the plate, usually given in hms. DEC-PLATE: The notation of declination on the plate, usually given in degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds. RA-ENV: The notation of RA on the envelope, usually given in hms. DEC-ENV: The notation of declination on the envelope, usually given in degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds. RA-LOG: The notation of RA in the logbook, usually given in hms. DEC-LOG: The notation of declination in the logbook, usually given in degrees, arcminutes, and arcseconds. PLATESZ: The size of plate, given by a lettering system defined elsewhere in the book. OBJ-LOG: The object of interest, noted in the logbook. OBJ-ENV: The object of interest, noted on the envelope. OBJ-PLATE: The object of interest, noted on the plate surface. RA-FITS-DEG: The RA of the central point on the plate according to, given in degrees. Same as CRVAL1. DEC-FITS-DEG: The declination of the central point on the plate according to, given in dms. Same as CRVAL2. SCANHT: The y-axis length of the scan in degrees. SCANWD: The x-axis length of the scan in degrees. SCALE-SCN: The number of arcseconds per pixel on the FITS scan. SCAN-ORI: The orientation of "up" on the scan.