ra: the values of right ascension for each star in the Gaia EDR3 catalog, given in degrees. dec: the values of declination for each star in the Gaia EDR3 catalog, given in degrees. bp_rp: the values of bp magnitude minus rp magnitude for each star in the catalog. pg: the adopted photographic magnitude for each star obtained from Gaia photometry via pg = phot_bp_mean_mag + (0.9*bp_rp). ra_b: the values of right ascension for each star in the Barnard catalog, given in degrees. dec_b: the values of declination for each star in the Barnard catalog, given in degrees. mag: the magnitude measurement for each star, calibrated as described in the text. rad: the distance of each star from the center of the plate, in units of degrees. Separation: the distance between the star image on 10B-161 and the matched star in the Gaia catalog, in units of seconds of arc.