      recid = {14061},
      author = {Tan, Zhihong and Kaul, Colleen M. and Pressel, Kyle G. and  Cohen, Yair and Schneider, Tapio and Teixeira, João},
      title = {An Extended Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux Scheme for Unified  Representation of Subgrid-Scale Turbulence and Convection},
      journal = {Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems},
      address = {2018-02-06},
      number = {TEXTUAL},
      abstract = {Large-scale weather forecasting and climate models are  beginning to reach horizontal resolutions of kilometers, at  which common assumptions made in existing parameterization  schemes of subgrid-scale turbulence and convection—such as  that they adjust instantaneously to changes in  resolved-scale dynamics—cease to be justifiable.  Additionally, the common practice of representing  boundary-layer turbulence, shallow convection, and deep  convection by discontinuously different parameterizations  schemes, each with its own set of parameters, has  contributed to the proliferation of adjustable parameters  in large-scale models. Here we lay the theoretical  foundations for an extended eddy-diffusivity mass-flux  (EDMF) scheme that has explicit time-dependence and memory  of subgrid-scale variables and is designed to represent all  subgrid-scale turbulence and convection, from boundary  layer dynamics to deep convection, in a unified manner.  Coherent up and downdrafts in the scheme are represented as  prognostic plumes that interact with their environment and  potentially with each other through entrainment and  detrainment. The more isotropic turbulence in their  environment is represented through diffusive fluxes, with  diffusivities obtained from a turbulence kinetic energy  budget that consistently partitions turbulence kinetic  energy between plumes and environment. The cross-sectional  area of up and downdrafts satisfies a prognostic continuity  equation, which allows the plumes to cover variable and  arbitrarily large fractions of a large-scale grid box and  to have life cycles governed by their own internal  dynamics. Relatively simple preliminary proposals for  closure parameters are presented and are shown to lead to a  successful simulation of shallow convection, including a  time-dependent life cycle.},
      url = {http://knowledge.uchicago.edu/record/14061},