      recid = {13662},
      author = {Burtt, David G. and Stern, Jennifer C. and Webster,  Christopher R. and Hofmann, Amy E. and Franz, Heather B.  and Sutter, Brad and Thorpe, Michael T. and Kite, Edwin S.  and Eigenbrode, Jennifer L. and Pavlov, Alexander A. and  House, Christopher H. and Tutolo, Benjamin M. and Des  Marais, David J. and Rampe, Elizabeth B. and McAdam, Amy C.  and Malespin, Charles A.},
      title = {Highly enriched carbon and oxygen isotopes in  carbonate-derived CO<sub>2</sub> at Gale  crater, Mars},
      journal = {PNAS},
      address = {2024-10-07},
      number = {TEXTUAL},
      abstract = {One objective of the Curiosity rover is to search for  habitable conditions, past and present, on the surface of  Mars. Carbonate minerals can record diagnostic signatures  of their formation environment. This paper focuses on  carbon and oxygen isotope measurements of carbonate  minerals detected within the Gale crater. Notably, these  carbonates are extremely enriched in <sup>13</sup>C and  <sup>18</sup>O, more so than other Martian materials. We  highlight two processes (evaporation-driven Rayleigh  distillation and cryogenic precipitation) that could  explain these isotopic enrichments and explore whether  those processes are consistent with our current  understanding of Mars. These isotopic values offer a  poignant example of how the Martian carbon cycle differs  from that on Earth without the influences of a biosphere.},
      url = {http://knowledge.uchicago.edu/record/13662},