      recid = {11831},
      author = {Hidaka, Yoshimasa and Hongo, Masaru and Stephanov, Mikhail  A. and Yee, Ho-Ung},
      title = {Spin relaxation rate for baryons in a thermal pion gas},
      journal = {Physical Review C},
      address = {2024-05-16},
      number = {TEXTUAL},
      abstract = {We study the relaxation dynamics of the spin polarization  of baryons (nucleon and Λ baryon), in a thermal pion gas as  a simple model of the hadronic phase of the QCD plasma  produced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. For this  purpose, we formulate the quantum kinetic theory for the  spin density matrix of baryons in the leading order of the  gradient expansion. Considering the baryon-pion elastic  scattering processes as the dominant interaction between  baryons and thermal pions, we compute the spin relaxation  rate of nucleons and Λ baryons in a pion gas up to  temperature 200 MeV. In the case of nucleons, we evaluate  the spin relaxation rate in the s-channel resonance  approximation, based on the known experimental data on Δ  resonances. We also estimate the spin relaxation rate for Λ  baryons, based on experimental inputs and theoretical  models for the low-energy Λπ scattering, including the  chiral perturbation theory.},
      url = {http://knowledge.uchicago.edu/record/11831},